About us

A story designed and manufactured by ALMA PRO.

ALMA PRO is a French family company specializing in the design and manufacture of artisanal milling equipment with stone mills.

Our mission is to innovate to create local and sustainable value.

The company aims to reflect collective work by respecting its territory through strong commitments:

Nos collaborateurs fabriquent nos moulins sur meules de pierre.
Veiller au bien-être du collectif en définissant les besoins de chacun.

Ensuring the well-being of the collective by defining the needs of each individual.

Concevoir des machines qui permettent de faciliter le travail des personnes.

Enable producers and processors to make a decent living from the fruits of nature and their work.

Innover et produire en écoconception.

Designing machines that make people’s work easier.

Favoriser l'impact environnemental en produisant et en s'approvisionnant localement.

Innovating and producing with eco-design.

Permettre aux producteurs et transformateurs de vivre décemment du fruit de la nature et de leur travail.

Favor environmental impact by producing and sourcing locally.

In 2022, at the Sirha Europain, ALMA Pro won the Sirha Europain Awards with its product, the Mélia mill. Building on this experience, the company is expanding its range and creating a brand dedicated to bakers and artisans of taste: Talmélia.

A mill to restore taste and meaning to “French bread”.

C'est du pain en forme de boules à base de farine de meules

An ancient stone milling process and research and development work ensure healthy food and a variety of flavors.

The Mélia Mill aims to create a story around a tool that combines tradition and modernity to accompany the global cultural and heritage revaluation: the know-how of French bread.

The user can have control over the flour mill to explore new textures and flavors. They can broaden their possibilities through the legume and protein crop sector by offering gluten-free dishes and bread.

We guarantee lively nutrition by verifying the temperature of the flour for perfect control over starch transformation.

We are committed to revaluing the artisanal work of bakers, favoring the local economy, and ensuring product traceability

Made in France, an eco-designed product.

The Mélia Mill is made 62% in the Drôme region and from recyclable materials (granite, wood, and stainless steel). We design our products while ensuring the environmental impact during production and use.

A mill created from local recyclable materials, granite, wood, and stainless steel, taking care of the environmental impact during production and use. The mill is designed with PEFC-produced Beech wood to ensure forest balance.

C'est le logo PEFC

A search for optimization of mill performance that allows energy savings during production and the usage cycle.

Ce sont des mains qui touchent la meule de pierre en granit naturel que nous avons sur nos moulins mélia.